Hi my friend!
I'm Matrioshka now :)
This month I'm guest designer in Matrioshka Scrap Design
This is a great STORE with amazing and very creative designers!
Thanks to Marina for invitation and to Flora that she thinking for me :)))
I did collab with a great designer and a wonderful person Rayisa
Here is for you
Fun In The Sun Collab by Camomile Designs and Damayanti Studio
ONLY now with 20% OFF!
Matrioshki Scrap Design





2 коментара:
Честито! Новия Кит изглежда Фантастично! :)
I signed up to receive your newsletter and I tried to download one second freebie but I can not. Always falls on the same screen for registration to receive the newsletter and does not release the freebie. My concern is the freebie "Funny Dolls. Please can you verify for me what is going on? I'm from Brazil, Curitiba, and my email is esttela.berri @ gmail.com. Thank you. Esttela.
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