"Melody" by Bluebell Scrap Design
"All the colors of autumn" be SussieM - Bluebell Skrap Design
"Light breeze" by Jofia Devoe
Photo by Paulette Mertes

Jofia Design : "Winter cool"
"Sea, oh, sea"
"Light breeze"
"Not very serious"
"Ephemerals II"
"Baby treasures"
"Decorated twines"
Natali Designs - ribbon by "Freshness" and word art by "Goodbye summer"

All from "Winter breeze" by MK Design

"Kit for a cold day" by Jofia Design
Photo of groan Cheryl Steinhoff

"Woodland Retreat" by Catherine Designs
"Light breeze" by Jofia Designs
"Playing with word art" Vol.2 and 3 by Natali
"All the colors of an autumn" by SussieM from Bluebell
"Paper templates" - overlays by Scrap Girls
1 коментар:
Ивелина,восхищаюсь твоим творчеством!
"Melody" потрясающая страничка!
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