02 ноември 2012

Happy iDSD :)) Blog train



4 full kits (more than 200 elements and 31 papers)

3 alphas

3 QP albums (23 total)

1 clipping mask pack

1 WA pack


DON'T MISS all at MScraps!!!

Hey Everyone!!

You must know by now that we LOVE blogtrains, so ..... here's another one!!!


It's the official Mscraps iDSD 2012 Blog / Facebook Hop (Train) !!!

If you collect every parts, will be HUGE and AMAZING COLLAB

NEXT STOP is Designs by Helly

Please remember that everyone who provided you with a freebie for the Mscraps 
Blog / FB Train has invested a lot of time in making these wonderful gifts for you.
So please leave them a little thank you note if you can! ((thanks))

HAPPY iDSD girls!


28 коментара:

bourriquette каза...

thank you very much!! it seems that the link is not workind...

Ruebchensmum каза...

Thank you very much!
It is lovely!

Ruebchensmum каза...

Yes, indeed, the link does not work. :-(

Kait каза...

Thank you for the gift.
Link is not working.

Laura каза...

I'm sorry, same here. Not working.

Анонимен каза...

Work isn't working for me either. Thank you for being generous though :)

Анонимен каза...

me too ! =(

Eni каза...

thank you for your part, but the link won't work for me too - will come back later.

Happy IDsD

Skippyherron каза...

Thankyou for your generosity....happy DSD! xx kel

Joyce каза...

Ladies, here's the correct link:
Iva is travelling at the moment. Hope she will be able to fix it soon though! ;)

Unknown каза...

Thank you so much - love your work!

ckcpurple каза...

Thank you so much!!!

Анонимен каза...

Thanks for the link Joyce and thank you for the beautiful kit Ivelina!

misses M каза...

Thank you so much for the wonderful freebie!

Анонимен каза...

thank you for your part of the blogtrain, it's lovely

Rebecca каза...

thanks so much

Анонимен каза...

thanks for sharing your beautiful work.

marsie55 каза...

Thank you for your beautiful contribution to the MScraps hop .. it is truly appreciated! Happy DSD :)

Unknown каза...

Thanks so much@

Unknown каза...

Thank you for your part in the Blog Train! It's lovely!

Vanessa R каза...

Thank you so much! Really like the doiley and the lace!

Cristallo каза...

thank you very much!

Raye каза...

Thank you for the FANTASTIC DOWNLOAD! I don't understand the language but I understand DIGI TALK! :)

Damayanti каза...

Thank you very much girls!
For your kind words, for your patient!
Thanks for Joyce to helping me!

sherry каза...

Thank you for your contribution to the wonderful Blog Train !!!

R2P2 каза...

Thank you! Link wasn't working when I tried over the weekend, but I made sure to come back. :) Thanks!

lvgurrrl каза...

Thank you for the FB/blog train freebie!!!!!

grambie каза...

thank you for trhis wonderful and so sweet download. Love the lace and doilie that add sentimental touches. Hugs.

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